I love teeth!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

October 25, 2007

My goal for today was to learn how to use my periodontal files. I practiced using them on my class 3 patient this morning, and I feel like I am getting the hang of it. I finally finished up one of my class 3 patients this morning after the third appt. This afternoon was a bit frustrating. My patient didn't show up even after I had confirmed her yesterday. So I started calling patients and I got a man to come in. Then I looked at his chart and he has to premed. I hurried and called him and told him to take his premed. His health history took me at least an hour to do because he has so many medications that he is taking. I had to look all of them up, and it took forever! I only got the OD done, and it would have been fine if he was a classification that I needed, but what do ya know, he is another class 5! I am really hoping that he builds up a lot of calculus by the time he comes back in, and then they might give me 4 quads of a class 2. Our first mock board is next week, and my goal is to fill out all the paperwork correctly.


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